*Trailer not available for this update.

Jewel Valmont
Jewel Valmont

Jewel and Nikki Vibrator Fun

Model: Jewel Valmont

Model: Nikki Anderson

Release Date: 2010-05-08

Would our experiences had been the same with Nikki Anderson, but we were once in actual touching distance of Jewel Valmont's feet. All we can say is that it was like being near a sacred relic with reputed divine, healing powers. Whether that's true or not, the huge, agonizing ache in our balls did greatly diminish once we jacked off, and we can only ascribe that to the miraculous. You may have another opinion. Which is probably how religion and Jihads got their start, but that's a whole other story. In this clip, Jewel and Nikki are tarted up to the nines and you will no doubt be seeing bare feet. If a strange aura emanates from your PC monitor, you might find yourself cured of that inoperable brain cancer but we don't offer guarantees. But if there's a lingering throb in your testes, you might be inclined to believe our story.

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